Jyväskylä KV 22.11.2009, tuomari Rogert Blumel Itävalta

Terrestrial Moonstruck eli Pluto

9 mths. Strong Male. Little too long in body. Enough corr head. Earset should be better. Topline little soft. Should have better positioned quarters. Very narrow behind and loose elbows in front.  JUN EH

Ansometsän Afrodite eli Melli

10 months. Feminine type. Nice head. Good expression. Earset a little high. Very soft in body at the moment. Little loose in elbows. Movement not balanced at the moment. Needs time for developing. JUN EH

Turku KV 29.11. 2009

Dianne Jolly, Australia

Mindura Outback Gem eli Tara

Very compact. Very plain head, eyes are too close. Short and thick neck. Moderate angulation. Moves well. Soft body, need harder muscles. AVO EH AVK2

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